Igor Kalinauskas
Intellectual adventure – II. Revolution of the consciousness.
ISBN 978-5-91271-082-7
Формат 60х90/16
224 c.
Dr. Igor Kalinauskas
Psychologist, philosopher and author of books. A man known for his discovers in psychology and unique works as a director. His principal of life is All people are people and me too.
21st century. The third millennium. The human race has built the giant civilization. Bu only starts to realize an urge to create the civilization in the inner world of a man. What will let to change a vague “life of a human” term to a fact of existence of unique personality in the world? There’s the importance for thinking beings to realize that all begins inside, not outside.
Revolution of the consciousness is the transition from power of chaos to inner civilization. To a possibility of self-sufficient staying in the world and to fully fledged life as own business. These are psychology and philosophy and the technological basis of the activity – the active position of “I am” in the world we stay.