Abu Silg
Rap rock.
Text and performance-Abu Silg
Arranged By Victor Strannik.
Ficus. Bodhi.
Laughter Of The Gods
A Cover Of Ficus. Bodhi. Art Van.
Cover Zarathustra Art Van.
Wow! Oh you!
So for all of you…
Place of power
Samadhi. The story of the tourist
Such lesson
Emptiness on the contrary
A real Teacher is the bridge from Territory to Space.
Creativity in Faith – it is the bridge from Space on the Territory.
Does human have desires that are not stipulated by external circumstances of his life? Is it possible to help someone, who has no desires that are not stipulated by external circumstances of his life? What is Spiritual Path?
Igor Kalinauskas’ answer to Abu Silg: “For people, who have no desires that are not stipulated by external circumstances of their lives spirituality is at best a play and at worst a weapon”.
If work hinders your spiritual progress, it means you work too little.
When someone compares his fate (karma) with the fate (karma) of someone else, he loses his own, but doesn’t get another’s.
Watch as merciless realist! Regard as merciless romantic!
The real wealth one has is the sum one can spend on entertainment.
P. S. From Kalinauskas (Silin)
Entertainment is the only part of everyday life that is not stipulated by external circumstances.
Spiritual Path is not like climbing a mountain. It’s like acrobatics: it is frightful, makes fun and requires certain skills.
P. S. And also requires you to have an airplane.
We are not for them, but they are for us. That’s why we serve them.
Nothing is hidden, but nothing is visible.
The book of faith is written in the language of experience.
Who sees, he sees. Who doesn’t see, he believes. Who doesn’t believe, he trusts. Who doesn’t trust, he submits.
When we do something that is possible, we are common people, because many do that better, than we. But when we do something impossible, no one can do that better, than we.
You do THIS, because it is necessary for you and for you only, and for This you will get nothing but yourself.
The most difficult tusk in this body is to remember and to be attentive.
If there is no empty space that can be filled, there is no process of filling, i.e. no time.
Love is removal of distance.
In what a funny way is the world organized! And in what a passionate way!
All the people come from God, but not all of them go to God.
Because human doesn’t know, what he does, and this makes the species powerful.
All your ‘life’ is just an objectivation of ‘your’ relationship with reality.
Life is a creative fulfillment of one’s own desires.
If one can’t get free from thinking of oneself, one sees the world in the shadow of one’s own being and names that the darkness of the World.
Artist is an intelligent being captured by personality and witness is personality captured by an intelligent being.
Does human have desires that are not stipulated by external circumstances of his life? Is it possible to help someone, who has no desires that are not stipulated by external circumstances of his life? What is Spiritual Path?
We like to know, what we are not bold enough to believe in, and we like to believe in what we are not bold enough to know.
We are responsible for those who have tamed us.
With much wisdom comes much joy.
My Lord, it is not the people’s fault, that you haven’t come to them.
Even foolish desires are better than their absence.
Knowledge without love can’t generate Faith, and Love without knowledge can’t generate Truth.
Transform testimony into Summons.
The pathos of knowledge changed into the bitterness of recognition.
What an amusing thing would be the world history, if apostles at once became Popes and cardinals.