Rehabilitation of the soul – read here!

What makes us human? Not the intellect, namely the soul. She makes the decisions is a source of strength and energy. How to change a person’s life, if he refuses to accept the decision with logic and go along the road, which calls his soul? This is life on other laws, for which a specific person – the greatest value, and concrete life is built on the free exercise of their intentions. In his new book, Igor Kalinauskas opens the path from the outer to the inner man, and explains how life should be supported in their souls.
Igor Kalinauskas – psychologist, Ph.D., is widely known for discoveries in psychology and unique work in directing, outstanding contemporary best-selling author of “Intellectual adventure”, “Life is like a space of relations,” “Women’s wisdom and man’s logic,” “The Way of a game everyday. life. ”


Rehabilitation of the soul – download here